Chapitre 11

Publié le par isharethiswithyou


🌿《 Fallaces sunt rerum species 》 👓🎓-■ TAG 🔖 from the lovely @just_a_girl_with_a_book#chaptereleven ♞I'm loving this "ALL SOULS TRILOGY" so much. I wanna get my hands in the dirt of old manuscripts. Back to school soon. --▪#serialtalesinaugust by @serialbibliophile : Day 27 {BIG vs SHORT BOOKS} This "Shadow of night" book by Deborah Harkness is 923 pages long. ▪#lilbookishaugust by @lisa_lostinlit and @lostinlit_becca Day 27 {Read in a day} this morning I read "L'instant présent" by Guillaume Musso, a 406 pages e-book.▪#livelaughbooksaugust by @_livelaughread Day 27 {Most anticipated releases} Deborah Harkness please, can you write other books ?▪ #augustofpages by @twirlingpages @celinereads Day 27 {Currently Reading} "All souls trilogy" by Deborah Harkness (book 1 and 2)---■📚 #Weekenda1000 : 786 pages lues ("L'école de la nuit" de Deborah Harkness + "L'instant présent" de Musso)

Chapitre 11

Publié dans bookstagram, book, weekenda1000

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